Overwhelmed by the act of kindness from random people, I decided to kick-start this web-blog to write about beautiful souls that I've crossed paths. It's a channel where positive energy is spread.
Traveling is a privilege indeed. Not easy as it seems for many people to say "If I want to travel, I just go". So I'm really really grateful that I've been able to cross some borders, to see tiny parts (for now) of the world with my own eyes, to meet many people who make me realize how selfish I am to choose this path, but it doesn't mean I have to stop my dream of wandering the world, it just makes me more altruist and less self-centered when I get to interact with people on the road. If you happen to stumble across my page and can relate, kindly share one of your stories with beautiful souls you've encountered in your life and you feel an urge to have their kindness say, or just hit me a message to say Hi, I love random talks.
​Talk to me at akilina.thuy@yahoo.com